Brutal Cinema-Style Attack: Auto Driver Slain in Shocking Kotagiri Incident

Brutal Cinema-Style Attack: Auto Driver Slain in Shocking Kotagiri Incident
Brutal Cinema-Style Attack: Auto Driver Slain in Shocking Kotagiri Incident

Kotagiri, Nilgiri District – In a bizarre and tragic incident that looked like it was straight out of a movie, an auto driver met a terrible fate. This shocking event took place in Kotagiri, Nilgiri district, near Dhimbatty, where some people planned to harm the driver, Gothandam.

Gothandam lived near Dhimbatty and worked as an auto driver with his wife, Radha, and their two kids. They often had arguments, especially between Gothandam and his wife. It’s said that Gothandam was acting aggressively, using rude words, and threatening Radha’s family when they tried to help sort things out. This led to a big fight, and Radha’s nephews, Jaswant and Gokul, warned Gothandam. He even challenged them back.

Jaswant and Gokul hatched a plan to end the fighting by causing a car accident that would harm Gothandam. They sped in their car, aiming to crash into Gothandam’s auto. But things didn’t go as planned.

Instead of the auto going into a ditch like they expected, it hit a wall, and the car flipped over. Jaswant and Gokul got out of the car with only minor injuries and attacked Gothandam with a sickle. Afterward, they threw the weapon away and hid in a nearby house.

The police came quickly when they saw the commotion around Gothandam’s lifeless body. They arrested Jaswant and Gokul, who were trying to run away. The sickle they used to commit the murder was found in a nearby tea garden.

Gothandam’s body was taken to the government hospital for a post-mortem examination. During their questioning, Jaswant and Gokul admitted to the crime, saying they did it because Gothandam was mistreating their aunt (Gothandam’s wife) and saying bad things about their family.

The police are now looking into whether Gothandam’s wife, Radha, had any involvement in the murder. They are investigating to find out more about this shocking incident that happened in their town.

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